Starting off with a checklist in determining what steps your ecommerce site should take to rank highly on Google search results is a good step in the right direction when planning your SEO strategy. As an SEO company we help break down the complexities of search engine optimization into more manageable and bitesized chunks. Below is a small list of these ecommerce tactics we use on our clients websites:

Keyword Research
Detailed keyword research allows us to obtain a better understanding of your online market and provides you with detail of how many people are searching for your target keywords online.
Once those long tail and short tail keywords have been decided and ranked in priority order, can you then only begin to look at progressing with the next steps in an SEO checklist.

Ecommerce Site Architecture
Determining the best course for your website architecture can be challenging. One of the most important factors is ensuring that you have only one product page URL per product, otherwise you may end up with a duplicate content issue.
Categorising your products into groups is just as important, helping visitors navigate the website.

On-Page SEO
On-page SEO is more than just heading tags, good content and meta tags. It’s also about good page experience, the quickness of your website loading on certain devices and the compatibility across multiple browsers.
How are your Lighthouse scores on your website? If those scores are below 50 then you development help.

Technical SEO
Improving the way your ecommerce site communicates with Google is the main fundamental goal of Technical SEO. Looking at crawl rates, indexation, CSS, HTML, W3C and many more.
Typical items to check for in an ecommerce environment is robots.txt and sitemap.xml setup.

Link Building
Links have been used in search engines since the 1990’s helping algorithms determine relevant and good content. Links will continue to be used to help determine the effectiveness and relevancy of a page of content and acts as a supporting factor to a website.
Today, accounts for 60% weighting on ranking highly on Google.

Content Marketing
Ecommerce sites can’t just sit there and wait for traffic to land onto the product pages. Articles, fresh and relevant content needs to be developed in continuing to drive visibility to semantically relevant phrases.
FAQ’s, product guides, reviews are just some of these content ideas.

By having the right people onside, you will have a much easier time to creating a website that can offer you all the help and assistance you could require.
We’ll give you help with developing a solid ecommerce SEO strategy, improving conversion rates, targeting specific products, improving product categories to bring it all together expertly and also add a whole host of detailed analytics that we can use to further improve the condition and performance of the website for many years to come.
These kind of changes can, when used properly and done in the right fashion, provide the kind of spark that any eCommerce service can provide to ensure that you have people finding you on search results pages, checking out your products all the time, making purchases, and thoroughly enjoying themselves along the way – for more help with eCommerce, simply contact us today.
Trusting the Experts
Our team of experienced SEO experts will be able to manage the situation, improve upon it, and deliver something far more effective for the benefit of your business. Our wide range of knowledge and experience in terms of using eCommerce tools can help you get the kind of help that you need in making sure your products are going to be noticed in the long-term.